Sortir des sentiers battus. Lire Hélène Cixous pour s’extraire des habitudes ou des conventions d’écriture.
Donner une forme. Utiliser les outils : les mots. Les bien choisir pour qu’ils servent le propos, qu’ils reflètent les vibrations de l’âme.
It is a marvel to feel the innumerable vibrations of the soul make themselves, collect themselves, crystallize themselves into word.
Se permettre d’ouvrir les formats, de sortir des prisons.
To write by shreds, by storm clouds, by visions, by violent chapters, in the present as in the archpast, in pre – vision, in the true chaos of verbal tenses, crossing over years and oceans at a god’s pace, with the past on my right and the future on my left — this is forbidden in academies, it is permitted in apocalypses. What joy it is.
And what words do between themselves — couplings, matings, hybridizations — is genius. An erotic and fertile genius.
Et encore.
Language is not finished. We can all be provisional demiurges by creating newborns.
Accepter que mettre en forme, c’est coucher dans un tombeau.
…it must adjust itself into a rectangular parallelepiped, at a certain moment you cut the sphere, you flatten it, you square it up. You give the planet the form of a tomb.